Saturday, May 9, 2009


Where did all these fake people come from?
I am that person at sometimes, but why now?
Did I or some I know change in anyway?
Are we not liked because we are being ourselves?
So many questions without answers!

Are we now people who talk about other behind their back?
Can we not express how we feel about those who are close to us?
Why be fake anymore?
We should not be fake with close ones, we just should not be at all!

Can we not enjoy who we are together?
Do we HAVE to play the secret game when we know it is not one?
Why should we do this to each other when we talk about love all the time?
Loving is the only thing that matters in relationships.

Are you just here because of the history you share?
Don't you get sick of hiding who you really are anymore?
Have we all lost our honesty because it's easier not to confront another?
I miss who we use to be and hate who we are now!

Maybe I am tried of being fake.
Maybe we should all be tried of being fake with each other.
If we don't like it each other then stop being all together.
Is life really worth all this. Did we really lose who we are somewhere down the road.

Maybe it is not others but me and I can not see it.
Maybe it is not others who have changed but myself.
I use to see myself as a caring person but maybe I have changed and stopped caring.
I can not be in a social life with others if all we do is act fake when we see each other and then when someone leaves the room say something behind their back.
Has friendship and close ones always been like this?
I want to go back to when we never had to hide our imperfections, but rather our imperfections where talked about and changed, or we lived with them because that's was made our close ones who they are. Now we talk about others imperfections as a bad thing and never say it to each others faces, now we have to talk about others when they are not around.

I am writing because I am hoping I will change with this. I am not the best person in the world with being fake, I probably do it more then I would like to. I am done with the whispers behind my back, and the whispers I give to others. I want to go back to the time when we all really and genuinely enjoyed each others company!!

just a thought

Saturday, December 27, 2008


How can you get a warm feeling while it snows?
The thought of the season changing makes you fuzzy inside.
Mother nature letting you know you are a part of everything

The snow makes everything better.
You could see light in dark places
and that always makes you feel a little brighter!

People become jolly for love will always be near.
The human race remembers why we are all here.
Why we are here, only the world can share
but why not stop and think the maybe its to care?

The gifts will a rive and joy will be spread
and maybe that's how we all need to finish up the year!
Maybe the gifts are just symbols of love
Whether you get what you want who cares
--its what you need and that is love!

Your close ones will be there to start the New Year
and share a toast of love and good cheer.
You start it off with love and maybe bad times will come,
but when nature turns cold again you know love will find its way again.

Doesn't it make you feel that you are a part of everything. And in the coldest month we always find more joy then ever!!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

My Soul

Could I live without you?
The sun would shine and rain would fall,
but would I still see the beauty of it all?

Could I hear the world around me without you?
Music would play and the birds would sing,
but would I hear what they mean?
The songs would play for others but not for me.

Could I live somewhere without you?
The walls would be built and the paint would lay,
but would I ever be home?
How could walls be home when you are gone?

Could I dream without you?
My eyes would close and color may come,
but would I really have a picture to see?
Dreams would mean nothing without you!

Could I love without you?
My heart would feel for close friends and family,
but could I really fall again?
Maybe time could tell.

My eyes would still see,
My eyes still hear,
My body still be warm or cold,
My dreams still come, and
My heart still beat,
but without my soul, would I still be?


So I have been thinking a lot of negative thoughts lately about others and it needs to stop. My last two post are all about how I am not really liking certain people at the time and it's not true at all. For the most part I feel that I am a happy person and try my hardest to look at the best side of a person and lately I have not been doing that at all!

With looking around on how people treat each other today, why do I really need to be like that?

just a thought

Monday, December 1, 2008


So I am a nanny and with that job I feel that I become close to the child or children I am watching. I do not understand why, when someone hires you, they do not tell you the whole truth about themselves or even your job.

I am currently working for a family that has just told me that they do not need me help come after the holidays. The reasons that were giving were the following: 1. She wants to spend more time with her son. 2. Her back is not a problem anymore so she can handle more activities. 3. Money. 4. She will just need me as a babysitter is she goes out on the weekends.

I understand that she wants to spend more time with her son. If I had a child of my own I would want to spend all the time in the world with them so this part does not bother me. I only spend 2 days a week with her child and when I do watch him, it is mostly during his nap time, but I still understand her reason.

I understand that I was hired because she had back issues and she could not do a lot of activities, but I do not understand why this needs to be mentioned. I was like hired under the fact that if her back was better I would be laid off.

Do not tell me that you do not have the money to keep me when you go out and buy different things that you do not need everyday. If you shop at a store that is name brand and buy the most expensive thing in that store, I would think you need to stop buying it if you do not have the money. Do not offer me a glass of expensive wine to tell me you do not need me anymore.

When I left her house that day, I was very upset. I have only worked there for maybe a year and have become very close to them. I was upset because I feel that she hire me knowing that I would see be "let go" when she wanted me to be. People say all the time that it is just a job and you can find more of them, but when you are welcomed into someones home and grown with them, to me it becomes more then a job. If you are to hire someone, the way I was, I would like to be told that I am only need until her back gets better, or any of the following. While working there I had the feeling that I might be there for awhile because that is the way this women came across and to me it just hurt.

I was also let go at a very bad time. I know the time is not her fault, but it is a time when no one is hiring because this nations economy is awful and it is holiday season so no one is really looking for someone after Jan. and that is when I need a job. I just don't understand people.

just a thought

Saturday, November 29, 2008

people who are selfish

So I guess my first blog is going to be about people who are bother me the most and that's selfish people. I really need to vent about them to get a few thing off of my chest. This post may seem a little selfish itself but I am not sure how it will turn out. This post is not about anyone in particular, it mostly about stories I have heard from others and maybe some stories I have been through myself.

Selfish people are all about themselves. Yes, you should be concerned about yourself, but please do not put yourself before everything else. You should always put yourself in the "shoes of others." Yes, you should be concerned about where you work, money, etc... but please do not forget about the others around you. For example, do not throw a party and only be concerned about what you would enjoy to eat or drink (unless maybe you are going out for you birthday and keep in mind you are GOING OUT). You are having a party to entertain other people not yourself. If you are at a party and you have not talked to your friends in awhile and still do not make any attempt to talk to them, do not come. It does effect other people when you are all about yourself. Others start thinking that they have done something wrong when you don't talk to them and how unfair is that. It is not the other person who has done anything wrong, IT IS YOU!!

To make a conversation good, it takes listening and responding. When a selfish person is in a conversation they are only interested in talking about themselves and mainly just their problems. I don't understand when the only time someone calls you is just tell you their problem and have you fix it, but if you try and talk about yourself then most likely they would relate something about themselves. If you are going to call me just to talk about yourself then don't even bothering calling me. I would love a phone call so that we can catch up on things and we can talk about each other, not just about YOU!!

I hate going shopping and it is suppose to be to get something you both need and it always ends up trying to get something for the other person. If you are a person that just ends up buying and shopping for yourself then don't bring anyone because it will only be fun for YOU!

I know there are a lot of different things you can say about selfish people but some things just need to be said. Maybe I am selfish, hopefully I'm not, but maybe I am because I believe when you are selfish you really don't know it and how can you because you hopefully don't realize you are all about yourself.

Maybe there are selfish people because a lot of media and politics are selfish. How can you go around and tell me that you want to be president of our country and really everything you are doing is for yourself. You can rule a country and have secrets and lies that now build who we are today. Yes, we are changing as a country but is it for better or worse? Who really knows until one day maybe the worst might happen.

When you watch commercials and they are mostly about how you should buy something for yourself and not worry about where it is made or how it got to be so popular, don't you think you should. All of these material things are making people want the biggest TV, best cell phone, and all different things for your house when do you really need them and can you really afford them. Think of people around you and how you actions and words might just effect someone else.

Just a thought